
Friday, October 14, 2011

"Cheapuccino" Make your own blended ice coffee drink.

Frappuccino? Why are you so expensive?!
Do you love drinking those blended iced coffee drinks from Starbucks and other trendy coffee shops? Do you hate that they cost a little more than a gallon of gas?

Well why not make your own using your own coffee, and you can also make as much as you want!

Here's what you need:

  • Coffee grounds 
  • Coffee maker
  • Blender
  • Ice Cube trays
  • Plastic freezer bags
  • Freezer
  • Coffee condiments (sugar, milk, sweetener, etc.)
  • If you have it peppermint extract, vanilla extract, cinnamon sticks, or other flavorings that you can get
  • Whipped Cream (if you want to be fancy)
Here's what you need to do:
  1. Make a very strong pot of coffee by using twice the grinds that you would for a regular brew.
  2. Pour the brewed coffee into ice cube trays and freeze (DO NOT pour scalding hot coffee into ice cube trays, you wait  until it cools down so you're not melting stuff.)
  3. Put the frozen ice cubes into a bag for storage.
EXTRA PROTIP: Break up a cinnamon stick into the coffee grounds before brewing for a cinnamon flavored coffee. This beats paying $10 on a bag of premium handpicked roasted 1st class priority imported genuine gourmet cinnamon coffee grounds. 

How to make your own blended iced coffee drink:

Time to get your blender ready.
  1. Place about 7-8 cubes, 1 cup of milk, teaspoon or two of flavoring, and sugar/sweetener to taste in a blender.
  2. Blend it, puree until smooth.
  3. Throw some whipped cream on it, garnish it with a cinnamon stick or something.
  4. Feel good that you can make this when you want, how you want, and as much as you want.
How to make your own gourmet coffee:
  1. Just add peppermint extract or vanilla extract (or you can buy your favorite flavors) stirred into your regular cup of coffee.
  2. Doing this isn't any different than what they do at coffee shops.
EXTRA PROTIP: If you do crave coffee but not a lot of it, there is a "secret size" called a "short" at Starbucks coffee shops. It is smaller than the Tall, but a lot cheaper! Just ask for a "short" size of whatever coffee you want!


Anonymous said...

I will actually try this..:)

CC said...

That sounds awesome and super delicious! I just have one question: what if a person doesn't have a coffee pot or blender?

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