How to use Protips
College life can be difficult, money is tight and you don't always have all the time in the world.
And you're probably nervous about a lot of things, especially about living on your own.
Do you have butterflies in your stomach? Digest them.
Sometimes you're going to have to bite off more than you can chew. So chew it and eat it. I'm here to help you grab life by the horns, now enough of these idioms.
1. What do I need to follow your Protips?
Well the majority of the things that you'll need can already be found in your kitchen and/or room. You'll need common household items, and if you don't have them they are easily obtained for very cheap.
2. How do I follow your Protips?
I'll be posting a common scenario that you may encounter in your life, a list of things that you'll need, and how to use them.
3. How can I find a specific Protip for a specific situation?
I know how busy you are so I'll be organizing them for you. Categories are at the top!
4. What if I can't find what I'm looking for?
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