
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Gas costs too much at gas stations, what can I do to get the best deal on gas prices?"

Instead of constantly going to gas stations, riding bikes everywhere seems like a great idea, however there are those of us that HAVE to commute to get to work, school, and other places.

Unfortunately we are forever at the mercy of gas prices, and they don't seem like they're getting any lower.
However, there are ways to get better deals on a gallon of gas and here are a few fuel saving tips to consider the next time you need to fill up at gas stations.

Here's what you need:

  • How the days of the week work
  • Knowledge of when holidays happen (might need a calendar for this, unless you know everything)
  • Your way around town
Here's what you need to do:

The way weeks work in a work week is that throughout the week there are work days (I didn't need to tell you that, but yeah.)
  • When the work week is over, people sometimes like to leave town, therefore gas stations tend to raise the gas prices up for the weekend to capitalize on this fact. 
  • (Sometimes Thursday)...Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are usually days that gas prices are at their highest.
  • Tuesday and especially Wednesday are great days to fill up on gas. Wednesday is the middle of the week, and gas prices are almost always cheaper versus buying gas on the weekend.
When holidays happen, especially 3 and 4 day weekends, gas prices rise up.
  • Keep an eye on your gas gauge, and your calendar. If you notice Labor day is coming up, you might want to gas up the Wednesday before it. Holidays like Labor day and Thanksgiving are the busiest road travel dates of the year so everyone is going to be gassing up.
Take note of the locations of gas stations, they really do affect the price of gas. Location, location, location!
  • Gas stations located next to the freeway/highway have gas prices that are significantly higher than gas stations anywhere else in town. 
  • But by all means, if the gas station that is the best deal is about 4 miles on the other side of town, just fill up at a gas station close by. Saving 3 cents just to drive 4 miles across town defeats the purpose of saving those 3 cents per gallon. It doesn't make cents/sense. 
Unleaded regular, unleaded plus, and Premium
  • Many people think they're treating their car by using a "plus" or "premium" grade of gasoline
  • They're wasting their money. Just stick with using unleaded regular, virtually all vehicles these day run perfectly fine on regular.
  • Despite what the car, car manual, and/or car dealer says about using a higher octane rating grade of gasoline, unleaded is just fine.
  • Using Plus and Premium is recommended for engines of new cars, but seriously unleaded regular won't blow your engine up. Your wallet will thank you if you keep these fuel saving tips in mind.


CC said...

Thanks for the great tips! These are the tips that my family usually follow. I really like your picture btw.

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