
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Freezer Protips

Ice to see you! I thawed of some really cool freezer protips you might be interested in knowing about!

Irrelevant video, but it has to do with ice.

Ice crystals on your ice cream?
Take a piece of plastic wrap and snugly on the surface of the ice cream making sure there are no air pockets between the plastic and the ice cream. The next time you get ice cream you'll be able to easily scoop the ice cream without breaking your arm.

Don't have a frost free freezer?
Empty your freezer! Trust me it'll be worth the trouble of taking all your TV dinners out for this. Dry the walls of your freezer well, and then lightly spray them with some non-stick PAM or cooking spray. This will not completely stop the frost build up, BUT it will make it easier to defrost. 

Buy a lot of ground beef/pork?
If you suddenly find yourself stocking up on a lot of ground meat product because of a big sale at the store, storing them can take up a lot of room. Take one pound portions of the meat and put them in freezer bags, and before sealing them use a rolling pin to flatten them out thin. Think "paper meat" and stack them up in your freezer. Not only will you be saving space, but these thin "meat sheets' thaw out a lot quicker. Pretty cool if you ask me.

Empty space in your freezer?
If you have empty space in your freezer, you're actually wasting precious freezing energy. A full and packed freezer full of stuff is actually cheaper to run than a freezer with a lot of gaps in it. Save your empty plastic milk containers or jugs and fill them with water. Store them in the freezer! Also if you live in an area that has constant  power outages, the water jugs will provide you with cold water, or a way to keep perishables cold!


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